
Could you benefit from a massage to reduce your feelings of stress, ease muscle tension and those aches and pains of daily life? It could help you to relax deeply and leave you feeling peaceful, calm and in balance. You’ll be ready to tackle the rest of the day feeling relaxed yet energised.

Would you benefit from a therapeutic deep tissue massage? This can relieve muscle aches brought on by sporting activities or repetitive or manual work. It could help keep your muscles working at their best.

Massage can help you achieve all these benefits and more.

I can tailor all treatments to meet your specific requirements. Whether you are seeking a relaxing holistic massage, deep tissue massage focussed on specific areas to alleviate muscular pain, or a gentle massage adapted to suit your needs during a period of ill health.

Massage at Escape to Shanti, Copmanthorpe, York, Margaret Webster, Massage Therapist

Margaret Webster

I am a Professional Holistic Therapist and Hypnotherapist, working in Copmanthorpe, York. Qualified since 2005, I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists. I am a registered practitioner on the General Hypnotherapy Register.

If you would like further information, or to discuss which massage treatments can help you, please contact me for a no-obligation chat.